I have been taking some steps towards recovering the creative aspects in my wellbeing plan. I was stuck for a while without realising why. Having done some journalling, the answer became clearer. In the last few years of a pandemic and other stressors, it seemed trivial to bring out the creative side. It felt like it was necessary to be responsible. Dutiful even. Soon the days turned into shades of grey, and I was more “in uniform” than out of it. Without a regular dose of creativity and playfulness, the modus operandi was fewer smiles, fewer laughs, and less emotional feedback of joy. I have now put back playing and listening to music. Crafting with colours and various types of yarn. Reading fiction.

I have much less screen time

Many more smiles as I read

A few laugh out loud chuckles

Deep breathing as I enjoy what my senses experience

Less preoccupation with work

Greater ability to let go
Taking one step at a time, recovering lost spaces, figuring out what is missing in our world can really unlock our minds and our hearts towards lighter days.
As I started my annual crochet project for the year – I went hunting for my collection of needles – horrified I may have gave them away. Here they are – and instantly they brought memories and smiles. Look at the jumbo one!!! I remember the project I used it for – when I wanted to make something quick and ridiculous.